- Sinus surgery results in loss of vision: claimed optic nerve cut in surgery.
- Development of NMS from over-prescription of Haldol in psychiatric medical center after plaintiff brought in for 5150 manic episode.
- Claims of medical negligence from tattoo removal over lasering process leaving scars.
- Sponge left after hysterectomy with major damage; nurses and surgeon pointing fingers at each other.
- Medical malpractice for liened medical procedures for attorney-referred orthopedic surgeon based on plaintiff’s rear-ender that settled.
- Medmal for liened procedures that were not warranted.
- Paramedics accused of falsifying records of patient refusal to be transported; reckless negligence in treatment; wrongful death of delayed treatment for placental abruption.
- Wrongful death from cardiac arrest after 8 hour shoulder surgery which normally takes two hours; standing issues of common law wife and adult children.
- Wrongful death after surgery with octogenarian surgeon; issues of injection into blood stream instead of muscle.
- Paramedics called to pregnancy with pains, fail to take Patient to ER, missed placenta abruption causing cerebral palsy and death at 3 years old.
- Pediatric dentist undersedated 2 year old, losing a tooth and creating dental phobia; claim of abuse from use of papoose restraint system.
- Overbilling and malpractice claims against CPA countered by claims of delays cause by client providing inaccurate data
- Plastic surgery expanded by surgeon beyond consent on lips and face resulting in “reconfigured” face
- Dispute that IV caused nerve damage during angiogram
- Sciatic nerve injured during surgery for retro peritoneal mass
- Stroke after surgery for blockage on carotid artery; cause from attending doctor vs hospital vs nurses
- Hernia and pain complications from use of ventralight mesh after mastectomy
- Claims of failure to obtain consent and dispute with doctor going beyond expected plastic surgery to unconsented procedures
- Marital couple in couples and individual therapy with family therapist having affair during the therapy with wife
- Failure to check for heart issues at Urgent Care; patient came in for “food poisoning”. Died five days later; 100% occlusion of an artery and enlarged heart all missed
- Plaintiff, allergic to sulfonamides, prescribed blood pressure medication through pharmacy auto refills causing severe respiratory distress resulting in tracheostomy and ventilation
- Permanent damage to sciatic nerve during removal of pelvic schwannoma
- Nonagenarian with dementia is released after presenting with muscle weakness high blood glucose numbers then dies. Secondary battle over heirs who did not wish to join
- Claims of sexual touching by medical technician during baby care visit and prior claim months before by another patient; disputes over notice and when earlier claim was made; insurance policy exclusions; presence of male medical provider alone with female patient
- Architect accused of negligence for having designed spec home relying on erroneous survey that had wrong setbacks
- Absence of any record of EKG after complications from minor surgery followed a few days later by devastating massive heart attack
- Wrongful Death after slip on floor resulting in coma and death months later from thrombosis.
- Suit re stick into spinal cord and resulting paralysis.
- Professional malpractice when pharmacy formulated ten times strength of dosage of medication.
- Wrongful Death claim of Physician’s assistant at clinic failing to send P to emergency room. Plaintiff died that night.
- Damage to hand following complication from carpel tunnel surgery.
- Dispute with architect over design that failed to include legally required bathroom space in small business.
- Action against architect in substantial remodel project; repair estimates over $1 million.
- Wrongful life, failure to advise and to provide advanced sonogram that would have revealed spina bifida.
- Development of bedsores following hip surgery.
- One inch tip of needle broke and became embedded in femur of 16 year old undergoing ablation surgery.
- Breach of contract from miscalculated engineering numbers causing defective design for sophisticated research laboratory.
- Medical malpractice claims of insufficient mental healthcare and abandonment of cardiac treatment.
- Unsterilized needle used on plaintiff after use on HIV and HEP C patient.
- Dentist failed to maintain overhead x-ray machine which crashed down onto head of patient.
- Unsterilized needle used on plaintiff after use on HIV and HEP C patient.